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Writer's pictureKristen Ruth

Women Tell All Review

If I could describe the The Bachelor's Women Tell All last night in one word, I would say, "Mess." All the women yelling at each other, some shoved something in someone's mouth, and so much fighting.

This season is one of the worst that I have seen in terms of women disliking each other. So many fights were addressed last night and honestly 0 were solved. They started off with addressing the Nicole vs. Oneka battle. If you're late to the party, Nicole (who cries...a lot) believes that Oneka was bullying her by questioning her emotional stability to be on The Bachelor, undermining her, and spreading lies about her to Colton. Oneka on the other hand says that she in no way is a bully or has ever bullied Nicole. Unfortunately for Nicole, most of the girls were on Oneka's side. They had claimed Nicole would say mean things about the other girls in the house. A couple randoms that were sent home the first night or week chimed in to all yell at Nicole. It looked mostly like getting screen time but regardless, you could not hear a word they said. Chris Harrison cut off the fight and brought Nicole up on the couch later in the episode to talk about why she cries so much. She said it is because she is very emotional and her family raised her to wear her heart on her sleeve. In return, Chris gave her a year supply of Halo Ice Cream. I cry and the only thing I get was puffy eyes.

Chris Harrison giving this season's crier Nicole some tissues.

Demi in the hot seat!

Of course they had to address the epic battle between Courtney and Demi. This fight originated on a group date where Courtney waited to talk to Colton and Demi took a second chance to talk to him. On stage, it was a consistent back and forth, Demi was taking shots calling her "bed bugs" because you forget she's there but she just keeps popping up. Which I am not so sure that is how bed bugs work but it was funny. Chris gave Courtney the last word and she used it to call Demi immature (again) and a child. She then proceeded to get up out of her chair and try to shove a pacifier into Demi's mouth. Demi in turn threw it at her. Maybe I watch too much MTV or Love & Hip Hop but security should not have let Courtney get that close to Demi, let alone shove something into her face. When asked if she was going to press charges Demi said the embarrassment Courtney is facing after that is good enough for her. But, have no fear Demi fans, Chris Harrison said we would be seeing her this summer. Which can only mean Demi is coming to Bachelor in Paradise!

I think you can tell by everyone's faces...stuff is hitting the fan!

The last big fight of the night referred to the women questioning Caelynn and Cassie's readiness for marriage. Which now does not seem so crazy because Cassie left because she was not ready to marry Colton. Apparently, Katie and some of the other women had overheard Cassie and Caelynn talking on a bus ride that if one of them "won" they would want the other to be the next Bachelorette. And mentioned something about sliding into the DMs of a Bachelor Nation alum (whom later confirmed was potentially Dean Unglert from Rachel Lindsay's season). While Caelynn and Cassie did not think this was a big deal, the other women thought it was disrespectful to "win" Colton and that they would be talking about other alum and being the Bachelorette while still on the journey with Colton. Most of the girls were siding with Katie against Caelynn and Cassie.

Hannah B., our next Bachelorette?

A lot happened in the Women Tell All but one thing I was not expecting to happen was for us to see who potentially would be the next Bachelorette. My guess: Hannah B. The beauty queen the used to be friends with Caelynn. Her beef with Caelynn was settled during the season and they confirmed last night that they are not best friends but they are in a good place. Hannah came in with shiny hair, a great face of make up, and a $2,500 dress. All the physical makings of the next potential lead. When Chris Harrison brought Hannah on the couch she had nothing but gratitude, laughs, smiles, and a tear or two to share. She dropped a couple nuggets of wisdom about having someone "love her for her sake." Something she had mentioned in her exit interview. They gave Hannah nothing but good opportunities to show her personality outside of the house. I would love to hear who everyone thinks the next Bachelorette is or should be!

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