Stella's Last Weekend tells the story of two brothers, Jack and Oliver, who are both home for the a ceremony their mother is throwing to put their family dog down. While home the brothers find themselves in a love triangle after learning Oliver's new flame was Jack's old flame. Stella's Last Weekend is a fun and authentic approach to a story about family.

The brothers Jack and Oliver are played by real-life brothers, Nat and Alex Wolff. For those Naked Brothers Band fans, your heart must be so full! Besides the obvious relation of being brothers, they are great onscreen together. They share an impressive chemistry that most relatives on and off screen can't acquire. The way Nat and Alex play each brother so differently but in unique ways. Nat's portrayal of Jack, is shy and timidly cute. There is an energy to him that also is endearing. I know guys like Jack and I've had many crushes on them. Alex's portrayal of Oliver is fun, rambunctious, and exciting. Oliver is the brash, bad boy everyone tells you to stay away from, but you're drawn to.
The head of their love triangle is Violet, played by Paulina Singer. Paulina's portrayal of Violet was sweet, even though she is driving a wedge between two brothers you can empathize and see the good in her.

There is such a strong sense of family in this movie. It makes you think about your relationships with your siblings and parents. There is great character development throughout the film. Their are plenty of twists and turns that this chaotic family takes and it is a fun ride to be on. I recommend checking out this movie, catch Stella's Last Weekend now on Hulu!
